In my experience, when you have a sense of safety, love and trust, you can live from your truth, in your power, from your Essence.
When you feel safe and loved, you can move forward, trust in yourself and in God/Spirit, and take action to explore and fulfill your dreams - that is, what is truly important to you.
It’s hard to do that if you feel scared, stressed or uncertain.
Here are a couple of simple, easy ways - ‘holds’ or hand placements - you can use to help yourself let go of stress, feel love and joy, and be more grounded.
These holds are done by gently placing your hands on a location of your body - that are both Safety Energy Locks (S.E.L.s) in Jin Shin Jyutsu, and chakras in Reiki.
S.E.L.s and chakras are energy spheres of consciousness, dynamic fluid centers with specific functions, that help keep our bodies running smoothly and when contacted can restore balance and harmony to our being.
To restore a state of love, creativity and joy, and be connected to your spirit and Divinity, place your hands on your heart center.
The heart area is where you’ll find your heart (4th) chakra and Safety Energy Lock 13.
Simply hold your hands over your heart area for a few minutes until you feel the energy of love. Let yourself ‘open to’ and ‘have’ the experience of unconditional love, joy and creativity.
To restore a sense of safety and trust, be more grounded and connected to the earth, place your hands in a triangle over your pelvis.
The pelvic area is where you’ll find the 1st and 2nd chakras and Safety Energy Lock 15. S.E.L. 15 ‘washes your heart with laughter’ and brings mental peace and security.
Allow yourself to Be Still, Listen and Tune into your Self.
When you have and live with a state of love, joy, safety and trust, you can more easily move forward and follow your heart and spirit’s calling.
Unconditional Love & Creativity
Hold your heart center - S.E.L. 13 in Jin Shin Jyutsu, or your Heart (4th) chakra in Reiki. Holding this area can nurture a sense of love, oneness and wholeness, and aids creativity.
Safety, Trust & Grounding
Make a triangle with your hands at the pelvic area, where you find S.E.L. 15 and the 1st and 2nd chakras. Holding this area can nurture a sense of safety and trust, helps ground you, and brings mental peace and security.
To learn more about Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki, or Spiritual Tools contact Naomi @