Hi All!
I am super excited to write my first blogpost! I love sharing with others.
I wasn’t sure where to start - I am excited about many things! Because Healing & Spirituality are at the top of my list, I will start here.
I recently created a poster about Jin Shin Jytusu. Jin Shin Jyutsu is the Art of Getting to Know (Help) Myself. It’s an art that harmonizes your body, mind and spirit.
In this day and age of chronic stress, Jin Shin Jyutsu offers simple, practical ways to help yourself find inner peace, balance and harmony.
Jin Shin Jyutsu helps you live in the present moment, and let go of ‘efforting’ and ‘trying’ so hard. It’s about BEING rather than DOING, living instead of ‘existing’.
In Jin Shin Jyutsu, the breath is the greatest way to help yourself. It’s an unlimited resource you can access at any time.
With each exhale, UNLOAD stress and tension, skepticisms and judgments. With every inhale, RECEIVE your abundant ‘Breath of Life’; inhale joy, laughter, happiness and abundance.
SMILE, Be the Dropping of Your Shoulders, Bow your head slightly. Be the Essence within your breath.
And, remember to LAUGH! When we laugh, we drop our attitudes and fears that keep us stuck and unhappy.
These are the words and teachings of Mary Burmeister who brought the Physio-Philosophy of Jin Shin Jyutsu to the United States.
Contact Naomi for a session or class in Jin Shin Jyutsu to discover more ways to help yourself relax and BE, harmonize and balance @ www.opentojoy.org