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Coaching Services Offered
Coaching Services Offered
Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-Help
Smile, drop your shoulders, and bow your head slightly. Exhale from your head to your toes, and unload all your tension, stress, judgments and skepticism. Inhale, from your toes to your head, and gratefully receive your abundant breath of life. Place your hands on your body and revitalize your whole self with Universal Energy. Restore peace and harmony to your being.
Spiritual Tools
Ground and center, find your space. Connect with your essence and Source Energy. Validate your spirit - who you are. Clear your energy field and create what you would like to manifest, from a place of inspiration and joy.
Emotional Freedom Techniques
Address what’s upsetting you most while affirming a love and acceptance of yourself, or a willingness to change, as you tap on meridian points to clear your energy. Transform what’s been in your way. See things differently. Discover what your truth is and choose again what you would like to create.
Expressive Arts Process
Tune into your self - body, emotions, mind and spirit. Draw a picture, do a word flow, explore aspects of your imagery through movement, express yourself through dialogue and embody new ways of being. Gain insights and clarity. Discover new ways of seeing and thinking. Create new pathways.
Close your eyes and breathe deeply as you rest your hands on, or over, your 7 main chakras - energy centers - in your body. Feel a sense of peace, calm and quiet return to your body, mind and spirit as you restore harmony and oneness to your being.
Coaching Sessions available in: Jin Shin Jyutsu & Reiki, Intuitive Awareness Meditation & Visualization, Emotional Freedom Techniques (E.F.T.)/”Tapping”, and Healing with Expressive Arts
PHONE: (802) 658-5815